Child Care
For Kids
During worship kids age newborn-5 are welcome in our staffed childcare room so that you can focus on worship. The room is down stairs under the sanctuary. Just ask a greeter where to go. It is your decision whether your child stays in worship with you. or goes to childcare. You are welcome to change your mind anytime during the service.
Sunday School
Children’s Sunday School runs from 11:15-12:15
Younger children attend either Children in Worship, a multi-sensory curriculum based on Bible Stories and focused on cultivating a posture of worship in children. If you have a child with you, a teacher will approach you and ask whether you are interested in Sunday School.
Around age 13, or whenever you deem it appropriate, young people may begin the formal process of deciding whether they will accept Christian teachings for themselves and join the church as adult members.
This process is called catechism and involves a weekly course in the basic tenets of the Christian faith alongside other young adults and with an assigned mentor. If you think your child is ready for catechism, talk to the pastor to begin that important discussion.